Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thoughts on Official All New All Different Marvel Titles Reveal

It has been a few days now since Marvel official unveiled a chunk of their All New All Different Marvel titles. A total of 45 have been revealed, and we are expecting at least another 15 to be announced. It's no secret I've been wanting to jump onto Marvel's main universe bandwagon when ANAD Marvel begins in October, but was there anything from this reveal that actually got me excited? You bet there was! I want to start with what titles I cannot wait to read.

  • Spider-Man
  • Amazing Spider-Man
  • Invincible Iron Man
  • All New All Different Marvel
  • Spider-Man 2099
  • Daredevil
  • Extraordinary X-Men
  • Deadpool
  • Ultimates
Before any Spider-Man titles were revealed, I all ready knew I would want to read them. Spider-Man is to Marvel what Batman is to DC. I've had plenty of exposure on Spider-Man through TV, video games, movies, that I just care enough to read about him. There's also the fact Bendis and Pichelle  are returning for Miles, Miguel has a sweet looking costume, and Slott's direction reminds me of that grey steel suit Spider-Man we've seen in Spider-Man the Animated Series.

Invincible Iron Man looked great too. Marquez has amazing art, and I firmly believe Bendis is capable of writing a Tony that sounds like Robert Downey Jr. Based off his Tony seen in the Ultimate Universe.

Daredevil was going to be on my pull without a doubt thanks to the show on Netflix. I've since gone back and read Bendis' run on the character due to overall fan appreciation of it. Charles Soule is set to write him, and I've read is Superman/Wonder Woman work to at least come to the conclusion I like his work.

Extraordinary X-Men was a nice surprise and something I'm super excited for. I've always wanted to read an X-Men title on the main Marvel Universe that closely resembled an X-Men cast full of characters I know based off the cartoons. With the cast of Old Man Logan, Marvel Girl (Jean from the past) Ice Man (the adult one) Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus, it doesn't get any closer than that for my hopes of an X-Men comic.

Deadpool. I'd love a little humor, no better place to start than the Merc with a mouth.

Initially when I heard an Ultimate title was coming to ANAD Marvel I was excited, but then I saw the team and I was disappointed because none of those characters are from the UU. I was a little let down, I wanted to read about Black Panther, and I just didn't know the rest of the cast. I love me Rocafort's art, and I thought wow that Blue Marvel guy looks cool (probably thanks to Rocafort), and then I read Al Ewing's interview with Comic Alliance and I liked the vision/direction he's aiming for. The more I kept reading about these characters from others online, Ewing's interview, and Rocafort's art I grew more excited about reading this.

Now there were also some other titles that were announced that I'm not too interested in. Could be because I'm not interested in the character, or I just don't care for the direction they're going for. Anyways here's that list:
  • Spider-Woman
  • Web Warriors
  • Howling Commandos of Shield
  • Ant-Man
  • Silk
  • Uncanny X-Men
  • All New Wolverine
  • Old Man Logan
  • Hawkeye
  • Sam Wilson, Captain America
  • Illuminati
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Drax
  • Angela Asgard's Assassin
  • The Mighty Thor
  • Agents of Shield
  • The Vision
  • Uncanny Inhuman
  • Captain Mavel
  • Doctor Strange
  • A-Force
I want to be a little fair towards Vision, Drax, and Angela. I'm sure I'll check out at least one issue but I doubt I'll be reading them long term. Sam Wilson, Cpatina America and The Might Thor fall under I don't care for Foster and Wilson as Thor or Captain America. Illuminati, Howling Commandos of Shield and Agents of Shield all fall under I don't care for plain and simple. Doctor Strange, Silk, Inhumans, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, and X-23 (Wolverine) are all characters I'm not interested in. I think I'm just going to stick with Old Man Logan in Extraordinary X-Men. I wanted to read Hawkeye, and Ant Man but I'm not interested in the direction they are going with here. Spider Verse was cool and all but I'm done with this Spider team up which is why I'm not interested in Web Warriors, and finally I don't care for an all female Avenger team or a all villains X team. Which is why I'm skipping A-Force, and Uncanny X-Men.

Now I won't be getting into much detail with titles I'm interested in, but here's what I'll be keeping an eye out for.
  • Howard the Duck (I could use another humor title)
  • Totally Awesome Hulk (I like Pak's work)
  • Contests of Champions (Could be a cool brawling book)
  • Squadron Supreme (Marvel's equivalent to DC's Justice League)
  • Venom Spaceknight (Not sure what to expect but I like Venom)
  • Carnage (I like Carnage but I probably won't stick around too long)
  • All New X-Men (Same reasoning behind Extraordinary X-Men)
  • Uncanny Avengers (Interesting team. Has characters I care for)
  • Karnak (He looks like a bad ass Inhuman)
  • Nova (Closest thing to Green Lantern. However Sean Ryan's Suicide Squad run thus far is terrible)
  • New Avengers (Another odd team. It's nice to see some Young Avengers reuniting, and Clint though)
  • Star-Lord (Thanks Chris Pratt!)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (Thanks GotG movie!)
  • Ms Marvel (I want to see if she's as good of a character as people say she is)
  • Spider-Gwen (I liked her concept in Edge of Spider Verse)
October can't come soon enough for me. I hope at some point between now and October, an Iron Fist, and The Punisher books get announced. Otherwise so far I'm excited for what Marvel will be putting later this year.

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