Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Top 5 Comics June 24th 2015

Another week of DC only (sorry Marvel) but a good week nonetheless to wrap up the first month of the "DC You" initiative.

1. The Flash #41 -Zoom is back, and with a sweet costume! Art was great by Brett Booth. Interested in where Venditti and Jensen take this arc. Henry rounding up some villains he knows from Iron Height's had a Rogue's vibe to it. So overall pretty cool issue.

2. Superman #41- Ever since the Truth arc began this month we've all been wondering what lead Lois to outing Clark as Superman. Could it be the mysterious person texting Clark that will eventually tip off Lois? Whatever the case new writer Yang looks to be cooking up something good.

3. Justice League 3001 #1- More great adventures with this cast, and expect lot's of shenanigans from Clark and the female Guy.

4. Teen Titans #9- We're getting to that point that Teen Titans vs Star Lab's Teen Titans needs to happen all ready.

5. Aquaman #41- It's been about 20 issues since I've read about Arthur (back when John's was still on). Definitely an easy issue to jump into, but I'm not sold on this arc yet. Art was nice though.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Miles Morales joins All New All Different Marvel in new Solo Series

While it should come to no surprise that Miles would walk away post Secret Wars to the new Marvel Universe alive, we also knew he would get his own solo series. Reported by New York Daily, Brian Michael Bendis will continue to write Miles. He will be joined by familiar penciller Sara Pichelli who has worked on Spider-Men and helped co create Miles in Ultimate Fallout #4.

This is great news. I'm pretty sure we all knew Benids wasn't going to let go writing Miles since he created him, and that's fine. Bendis wrote Ultimate Peter for 10 years, and Miles has only been around 4 years so I'm sure we'll have many more adventures with these two. It's good to hear Pichelli is back as she's no stranger with the character. Plus her art style is similar to Marquez , so I'm sure we'll get the same level of quality work here.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Best Show at E3 2015

So today is the last day of E3. Lots of games were announced across Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft shows. Some great games were shown this year like Unravel, For Honor, Gears 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, and much more. Every fan ask themselves this every year at E3, who had the best show? I'm here to say that Microsoft and Sony were tied in the top this year.

Sony and Microsoft dropped a lot of bombs this year that made lots of gamers happy. Some of the highlights from Microsoft included Gears of War 4, backwards compatibility coming to the Xbox One, new IP called Recore, more Halo 5 Guardians footage, Gears Ultimate edition and more. Over on Sony's side we got a new IP called Horizon Zero Dawn, Shenmue III announced, more Uncharted 4 gameplay, Final Fantasy VII Remake announced, and The Last Guardian gameplay. Both shows had something to offer to get fans excited to upgrade to the latest gen (if they haven't already) or show fans who already purchased an Xbox One/PS4 what to expect soon.

Here's the order I'd rank the show's:

1. Microsoft/Sony
3. Ubisoft
4. Bethesda
5. Square Enix
6. Nintendo
7. EA

Ubisoft every year always has something to look forward to, Bethesda and Square Enix had solid shows, but by the time we got to Square's press conference a lot of what they showed was already seen elsewhere. Nintendo lacked anything major this, we've had better Nintendo Direct's than the show we got this year, and EA's was just boring. Too much of a focus on sport games really killed it for me.

As E3 wraps up go ahead and check out my other blogs for my thoughts on each show. Click here Microsoft Bethesda Sony EA Ubisoft Square Enix Nintendo. Also go ahead and check out my E3 predictions to see if I was right about my predictions and click here to find out the top five games I was most interested in this year at E3.

Until next time E3!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Top 5 Comics June 17th 2015

Another week which means new comic releases. Nothing this week for any Marvel pulls from me. So this sort of a DC edition of the top five comics this week.

1. Black Canary #1 -Dinah Drake (Or D.D. as they say throughout this issue) came off as a strong leader, with a positive outlook on her future success. The art by Wu definitely fit the style of the story.

2. Robin: Son of Batman #1 -I'm still surprised how much this read like Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason's Batman and Robin run. Gleason nailed the voice of Damian.

3. Dr. Fate #1 -The new Dr. Fate has a lot going on for it. A great supporting cast, Khalid is likable, and looks to have good Egyptian history here.

4. Martian Manhunter #1 -J'onn showed us he's just as good of a hero as Superman, maybe even better. J'onn came off strong.

5. Superman/Wonder Woman #18 -While not a whole of action, we see where Diana and Clark's relationship stand.

Top 5 New games announced at E3 2015

1. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands -That trailer shown was as epic as the Watch Dogs and Division trailer. The story sounds intriguing, and the gameplay looked great.

2. Horizon Zero Dawn -What's not to like from this Open world RPG, that's written by the lead writer of Fallout New Vegas, a Witcher 3 quest designer, and the beautiful graphic power from Guerrilla Games?

3. Dishonored 2 - Had a good first entry to the series, glad to see it come back.

4. Recore -I liked the cinematic trailer given, and what to see more of what this game is about.

5. Unravel -Very cute game, and looks like it'll be as good as LittleBigPlanet.

Square Enix E3 Recap and Thoughts June 16th 2015

After three years of not holding a E3 Press Conference, Square is set to return to E3 with their very own press conference. What was on the show, how did it fair?

-Just Cause 3 gameplay
-Trailer for a new NieR
-Same Final Fantasy VII trailer seen at Sony's Press Conference
-Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer
-Same World of Final Fantasy trailer shown at Sony's Press Conference
-Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness comes to North America and Europe
-Lot's of mobile stuff (Tomb Raider Go, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Key, and Hitman Sniper)
-Quick montage of game trailers showing Triad Wars and Final Fantasy XV
-New JRPG project created by new Square company Tokyo RPG Factory called Project Setsuna
-New Hitman trailer
-Kingdom Hearts III gameplay trailer
-Deus Ex Mankind Divided gameplay trailer

Pretty solid show from Square I think they played it safe. A lot of what was seen on this show was seen on either Microsoft's or Sony's show. So I wish Square would have shown more of something like Triad Wars instead of the quick thing it got. Definitely nice to see an update on Kingdom Hearts 3, and seeing more of Deus Ex was also a plus.

But damn it Square why are you making another Kingdom Hearts mobile game?! Have you not learned anything for Kingdom Hearts Coded?!

Nintendo E3 Recap and Thoughts June 16th 2015

The final day of E3 press conferences begin today. We start off with their Nintendo's Digital Event. Here's what they had:

-Star Fox Zero gameplay for Wii U
-Legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes gameplay for 3DS
-Hyrule Warriors coming to 3DS called Hyrule Warriors Legends
-Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer for 3DS gameplay
-Animal Crossing Amiibo for Wii U gameplay
-Mario and Luigi Paper Jam for 3DS gameplay
-Mario Tennis Ultra Smash gameplay for Wii U
-Metroid Prime Federation Force gameplay for 3DS
-Xenoblade Chronicles X gameplay for Wii U
-Skylanders Super Chargers gameplay
-More gameplay from Super Mario Maker for Wii U
-Yokai Watch gameplay for 3DS
-Fire Emblem Fates for 3DS
-More gameplay on Yoshi's Wooly World

Are you thinking "man what a lackluster show"? Well I'd agree with you on that. I'm no Star Fox fan but I'm sure plenty were excited for that, the only thing that really "wowed" me that was new, was Nintendo announcing Mario and Luigi Paper Jam. It's the best of both Mario RPG's crossing over in this game that I'm sure will have tons of funny moments. It was nice seeing more Yoshi's Wooly World and Super Mario Maker though.

There was nothing really major that came out of this year's show. E3 should be the show where all the big stuff is thrown right at you, everything on this list seems like something Nintendo would announce on a Nintendo Direct. The skits they did in between each game were nice but I wish Nintendo went back to actually being at E3. I feel like their announcements there were on a much grander scale.

Sony E3 Results and Thoughts June 15th 2015

Sony wrapped up day two of E3 with their press conference. What secrets were unveiled, were there any new Vita games? Find out here with my thoughts to follow.

-The Last Guardian gameplay
-Street Fighter V trailer
-Call of Duty Black Ops III, PS gets DLC first, and a beta is coming
-Disney Infinity showcasing Star Wars, and an exclusive Boba Fett toy for Playstation
-No Man's Sky gameplay
-Shenmue 3 is getting Kickstarted (and is being funded by Sony)
-Media Molecule unveils new IP Dreams with a taste of gameplay
-Destiny expansion The Taken King trailer
-World of Final Fantasy trailer for PS4 and Vita
-Final Fantasy VII Remake
-Guerrilla Games new IP Horizon Zero Dawn unveiled. Trailer and gameplay shown
-Assassin's Creed Syndicate gameplay trailer showcasing Evie
-Hitman trailer
-Indie games from Devolver Digital (Ronin, Eitr, Mother Russia Bleeds, and Crossing Souls)
-Batman Arkham Knight gameplay from PS exclusive Scarecrow levels
-Campo Santo's new game Firewatch trailer
-Star Wars Battlefront gameplay
-Project Morpheus news and Playstation Vue news
-Uncharted 4 A Thieves End gameplay

So yeah, a lot happened much like the Microsoft event! Let me state the obvious, Uncharted 4 looked beyond good. The release for that game cannot come soon enough. Now I want to talk about Guerrilla Game's new game Horizon Zero Dawn. For those that don't know, Guerrilla is known for their Killzone games. Their latest entry to that series was 2013's Killzone Shadow Fall which released on PS4. Two years later they are back but with an open world game. Just days before I heard about the project so I was looking forward to what the game was. From what I saw in the trailer gameplay looked like it will be as fluid as Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor/Arkham series/Assassin's Creed series. The game sure looked pretty too. 

Then there was also Dreams from Media Molecule which had a interesting concept you use your PS4 controller to "draw" dreams to make a world and share with others. I need to see more but I have faith with MM because of their track record. While not a new game, we got more details on No Man's Sky. I liked that there's more to do than exploring. Like you can be on one side of the galaxy fighting a war, or on another side just exploring a new planet, and Hello Games were not kidding when they said how big No Man's Skies universe is.

I'm not surprised Sony didn't have any 1st party news for PS Vita, heck hardly any news. IGN has since reported Sony has no AAA games in the making for the Vita. Leaving it up to 3rd party to support the handheld. Which is a shame as the system is great and has plenty of potential for great console quality exclusives.

Ubisoft E3 Recap and Thoughts 2015 June 15th 2015

After a yet another boring EA press conference we are followed up with a Ubisoft press conference. Those have always proven to be fun and have great games shown throughout the show, but hosted by Aisha Tyler (damn it Ubisoft again!?) Anyways here's the run down of the show.

-New South Park game coming called South Park: The Fractured But Whole trailer
-A new IP called For Honor gameplay and trailer
-The Crew Wild Run expansion trailer
-Trials Fusion Awesome Level Max expansion trailer
-The Division gameplay
-New IP Anno 2205 gameplay and trailer
-Just Dance 2016 and a quick concert from Jason Derulo
-Rainbow Six Siege trailer with a beta starting in September 24th
-Trackmania Turbo gameplay
-Assassin's Creed Syndicate trailer
-New open world Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay trailer

Overall great show from Ubisoft, didn't really care for Trackamania, but man oh man! That Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay was amazing! For Honor looked like a great new IP as well. You get to play as a Viking, Samurai, or a Knight in a 4 vs 4 brawl. Also can Jason Vandenberghe come back next year? That guy just looked plain awesome and seemed pretty cool. Now that's a host I want to see for Ubisoft press conferences!

EA E3 Results and Thoughts June 15th 2015

How did EA fair after last year's lackluster show? I'm here to tell you what went on and my thoughts on the show.

-Mass Effect Andromeda teaser trailer
-Unravel trailer and gameplay
-Need for Speed trailer and gameplay
-Star Wars Old Republic Knights of the Fallen trailer
-Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 gameplay, you can transfer all your characters from the first game, and free DLC
-Emphasis on mobile games such as Star Wars and Minions
-Lot's of sport games (Madden NFL 16, NHL 16, Fifa 16, and NBA Live 16)
-Mirror's Edge Catalyst gameplay and trailer
-Star Wars Battlefront gameplay

Let's start with what I liked, the Mass Effect Andromeda teaser trailer and Star Wars Battlefront gameplay. While it's been no secret the next installment of Mass Effect was in the make, at that point we haven't seen any gameplay, or trailers, just rumors and speculation. EA showing something this year to bring the hype was much welcomed, but by next year I'm hoping we can see something more. In the meantime though it'll give me some more time to play the Mass Effect trilogy which I got last month from Playstation's Flash Sale for $5.

Now we've heard lot's of stuff what Dice/EA have planned for the new Star Wars Battlefront game, we've even seen concept art and a cinematic trailer, but today was the day. The day we got some Star Wars Battlefront gameplay footage! All I can say is I liked what I saw and am looking forward to this game.

One particular game stood out for me and it was Unravel. It looked like such a cute game, and I definitely got LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway vibes from it. I liked the how the game looked and how it's played.

I don't know what hit a lower point in the show for me, the talk on mobile gaming or all the sport game coverage. I can't even go into much detail on how boring all of that was.

Finally I like the where they're going with the Mirror's Edge reboot. Gameplay looks nice and story sounds even better than the original. I wish we could see some of the combat in the game, because the fighting in the original was atrocious.

Overall slightly better show this year by EA but still boring in the end.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Microsoft E3 Results and Thoughts June 15th 2015

Day two of E3! It's going to be a packed day of news, we've got press conferences from Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, and Sony. Today Microsoft opened the show with their hour and a half press conference and here's a quick run down of what occured:

-Halo 5 single player, and trailer for Halo's Warzone multiplayer
-New 1st party IP Recore
-More Fallout 4 comes with Fallout 3, and able to download PC mods
-EA Access news
-Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 trailer
-Rainbow Six Siege trailer and comes with Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2
-Another trailer for The Division. Xbox owners get first access to the beta
-The new Elite Xbox One controller
-Backwards compatibility coming to Xbox One
-Dark Souls III trailer
-Gigantic trailer and beta announced
-Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay
-Quick trailer of a bunch of Indie games with emphasis on Tacoma, Ashen, Beyond Eyes, Ion, and Cuphead
-Rare Replay trailer features 30 Rare titles for $30
-Sea of Thieves trailer (Rare's new game)
-Fable Legends trailer
-Minecraft for Microsoft's Hololens
-Game Preview (Early access to games)
-Forza 6
-Gears Ultimate Edition (GoW 1 remake)
-Gears 4 gameplay

Man that was a lot! Definitely some stuff that caught my eye. Halo 5 without a doubt, and it needs no explanation as to why it was awesome, another than expect what you would from the series. Backwards compatibility was a huge thing that was announced. Back when the Xbox One and Playstation 4 were announced fans were disappointed we couldn't go back and play our old PS3/360 games and it looks like Microsoft wants to fix that. Holiday this year Microsoft plans to bring back your digital purchases or put your 360 discs into your Xbox one so you can play them again. Also Microsoft unveiled their new Xbox One controller, and no not the one that's going to be released with the 1TB Xbox One, this Elite controller has a bunch of customization to it. You can swap analog stick and D-Pad, and much much more. Games Preview was a cool feature they plan to add. The same concept of Steam's Early Access you pay and support the game as the game officially releases. Gears 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Cuphead had some great gameplay looking forward to those three.

Now I'm interested in seeing more of Recore. Microsoft gave us a a cinematic trailer, and showed us a female lead traveling with her A.I. companion as they take on evil. The A.I. is controlled by a blue orb, so if he self destructs you you simply take the orb and put it in another robot. I want to see gameplay of this, is this a third person shooter, first person shooter, and action game? Whatever it is, I want to see more!

Nothing really came as a low point to me in the conference, I'm not really a racing so I didn't care for the Forza part of the show, but I will agree it looked nice. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bethesda E3 Results and Thoughts June 14th 2015

Ladies and gentleman, this was it, today the hype began! Bethesda officially kicked off E3. It was a exciting one hour event, and here's a recap of what was on the show:

-Doom single and multiplayer gameplay
-Battlecry gameplay and beta
-Dishonored 2 trailer, and Dishonor Xbox One/PS4 remake
-Elder Scrolls Online
-Elder Scrolls Legends card game
-And Fallout 4 gameplay to close the show.

That was a lot, but my favorite part of the show was the Disnhonored 2 trailer confirming you can play as new female lead protagonist Emily Kaldwin or returning protagonist Corvo. Both will be played differently.

I was definitely interested in what I was watching with the Doom presentation. I remember playing Doom on my xbox but I was too scared to progress past the first 10 minutes. Watching everything from their singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay definitely reminded me of Halo (and I don't mean that in a bad way) heck even the Snapmap mode reminded me of forge, so there could definitely be a lot of fun there.

The weakest part of the show for me was Battlecry. There was nothing to it that made me feel like I should go out and play this beta. Also while not a low point in the show for me I'm a little interested in in the Elder Scrolls card game. Reminded me a little of Magic the Gathering, and since it's free I don't mind to try at all.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Series I want and expect to see in All New All Different Marvel

There is still a long way to go until Secret Wars wraps up, and who knows when Marvel will announce another one of their 55 to 60 titles that are coming in the All New All Different Marvel. I've talked about what I thought so far about ANAD and how excited I was for Invincible Iron Man coming out. Out of those 55 to 60 titles here's what I'd like really like see:

1. Black Panther solo
2. Daredevil solo
3. Iron Fist solo
4. The Defenders
5. Peter and Miles team up (something like a Batman and Robin book but Miles wouldn't be a "sidekick" and treated as an equal).
6. Spider-Man solo (starring Peter)
7. Spider-Man solo (starring Miles)
8. The Ultimates
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (Hopefully sticking close to the movie cast)
10. Doctor Strange Solo

Now just for fun I want to take some guesses on what we'll most likely see as I add on to my list:

11. All New All Different Avengers (confirmed)
12. Invincible Iron Man (confirmed)
13. Drax (confirmed to be coming out this year)
14. Uncanny Inhumans (confirmed)
15. Lady Deadpool and the Howling Commandos (confirmed)
16. Ms. Marvel
17. Thor
18. Hulk
19. Captain Marvel
20. Squadron Supreme
21. Thunderbolts
22. Captain America
23. Nova
24. Ant-Man
25. Spider Gwen
26. Spider Woman
27. S.H.I.E.L.D
28. Punisher
29. Wolverine (starring X-23)
30. X-Men
31. Hawkeye
32. Black Widow
33. Something with Red Wolf
34. Nova
35. Ghost Rider

Top 5 Comics June 10th 2015

Slow week for me. Only had five comics on my pull. Anyways:

1. Batman/Superman #21 While this issue may have flaws like the lack of Batman and Superman interaction, it was easily the best read of the week for me.

2. Batman #41 I'm not entirely sold on the concept of Jim Gordon as Batman but how Gordon became him was nicely set up.

3. Red Hood/Arsenal #1 Pretty average issue overall. Not much more to say.

4. Earth 2 Society #1 Other than the art and the villain getting set up, I didn't like how this issue was focused on Dick. I heard Wilson plans to have a different character star every month so I'll see if that works out. Also sudden change in Alan Scott's attitude came out of nowhere. 

5. Ultimate End #2 I really want to like this series, I really do but the problem is this story isn't the Ultimate End of the characters I've read about. The people here interacting with the 616 characters are just from Doom's interpretation. In reality the real UU and it's characters met there "Ultimate End" when their world collided with 616 on Secret Wars #1. 

Top 5 Comics of June 3rd 2015

This was a big week for DC fans, as it began the DCYou initiative. So here's a new thing I'm going to try every new comic week where I list what I consider the top five from Marvel/DC that week. Anyways this was a real hard week for me to decide what was the best. A lot of good stuff.

1. Action Comics #41- Amazing. Pak sets up Superman's new status quo nicely.

2. Green Lantern #41- Liking Hal's new rogue look, and operating as a lone wolf. Interested in where we goes from here.

3. Secret Wars #3- Hickman continues his epic story, as we learn more of who still retains their memories from their respected earth.

4. Giant-Size Little Marvel Marvels: AvX #1 Skottie Young does it again with that damn good art. Expect all the fun in this issue likeyou may have seen in A-Babies vs. X-Babies

5. Bizarro #1- Very funny issue. Had a good time reading it but it seemed to drag just a little.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New 1TB Xbox One Officially Revealed

Microsoft has officially unveiled their 1TB Xbox One model that will be priced at $399 and will be available to purchase on June 16th this year. Also all 500GB Xbox One's will be priced at $349.

This bundle comes with the old Xbox 360 headset, Halo The Master Chief Collection, a matter finish Xbox One with a 1TB hard drive, and the newly designed Xbox One controller that has a 3.5mm headphone jack.

The new controllers come in two different colors, the standard black, and Covert Forces. They will be priced at $65.

Monday, June 8, 2015

My E3 2015 Predicitions

It's around that time of the year again, where gamers aboard the hype train with their destination set on E3. That's right next week is E3 so get prepared for lot's of gaming news starting June 14-16. Until then, I want to speculate on some surprise announcements we might see at the event, or some first look trailers of games we know exist but hasn't been confirmed to be at E3. Here is my top 5 list:

1. Gears of War Collection on Xbox One- With rival Sony recently announcing Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection coming to PS4, and there was gameplay footage leaked just last month of the "rumored" Gear's collection, I believe E3 will be the time to official unveil this game to fill in this year's gap of no Gears of War 4.

2. Triad Wars trailer/gameplay (Sleeping Dogs confirmed sequel)- We know this game exists, and with Square Enix holding their first ever press conference, they're going to need some games for the show. I can't think of a better time to show this game off than here.

3. Injustice Gods Among Us 2- Series director Ed Boon had stated if this game was popular enough they'd make a sequel and without a doubt, the first Injustice was a great fighting game and the sales definitely showed. With Mortal Kombat X officially out, I'm sure this has now given NetherRealm some space needed to put the game in development, and at least announce it is in the making.

4. New IP trailer at Ubisoft- Back in 2012 Ubisoft shocked the world with a brand new IP called Watch Dogs, fans were impressed with what they were looking at, the following year Ubisoft did it again but this time with Tom Clancy's The Division, 2014 didn't have anything new to show off, but I'm positive Ubisoft will continue their trend to shock the world with some new IP at this year's event.

5. God of War 4- With God of War III Remastered coming out this year I believe Sony will show a teaser for GoW4 and at the end tell all those that have pre ordered the Remaster edition they will get access to a private beta.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Invincible Iron Man Coming 2015

Yes, that just happened! At a comic convention held in New York City the creative duo of Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez who recently finished their run on Miles Morales The Ultimate Spider-Man, announced coming in 2015 apart of Marvel's All New All Different Marvel line will release Invincible Iron Man. Which will indeed have Tony Stark under the armor.

Not only that but Bendis is teasing Tony will get a new girlfriend, new villains, make new friends, and find out who Tony's real parents are.

This is definitely great news. After my rant yesterday, I talked about how I didn't care to see Falcon take the role of Captain America, or Jane Foster taking on the mantle of Thor, and how we weren't sure Tony was under the armor. Now that Tony is confirmed to still be in the armor is a great move by Marvel, and having Bendis write him is even better. I've read some cameos Bendis has written of Tony in the Ultimate universe, and I'm happy to say the way he writes him sounds exactly as if you were watching Robert Downey Jr. playing the role. Add the amazing work of Marquez and this book is without a doubt a day one buy for me.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Thoughts on All New All Different Marvel

After Secret Wars ends in October we will be heading into an "8 Month's Later" jump to help set up the new status quo on this new Marvel Universe. That Universe being referred as the All New All Different Marvel.

Now Marvel hasn't released a ton of information on this direction they are taking. Like is this a full or soft reboot, a relaunch, will characters retain their memory? Marvel has kept quiet on the matter, but what they have shed light on is titles like A-Force, and Lady Deadpool and the Howling Commandos will still be around after Secret Wars ends. We'll even have a new Avenger's team that will feature Miles Morales as Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Nova, Lady Thor, Vision, Iron Man, and Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Johnny Storm joining the Inhumans in Uncanny Inhumans.

We also had Marvel tease which character's will be featured in the All New All Different Marvel. (Note the image above) Some notable things that stick out to me are:

  • We have four Spider characters. (Jessica Drew, Gwen Stacey, Peter Parker, and Miles Morales)
  • Two Wolverine's. With X-23 most likely taking on the main role and Old Man Logan as a mentor.
  • The Thing joining The Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Daredevil sporting a new costume. Most likely as a nod to the Netflix show.
Marvel's Editor in Chief Axel Alonso has also confirmed to IGN that there will be a new Hulk. "I have every confidence that people will embrace the new Hulk and that question will be answered about Bruce and where he is. It is a natural, organic story. It's not a stint; it's a story. The identity of this character is fascinating. Who he is, what it means ti be Hulk, it's an entirely new story that I think will be inviting to new  fans and interesting to a whole new segment of readers".

So anyways here's why I'm excited for ANAD Marvel from the information Marvel has given thus far. 

  • Miles and Peter are in the same Universe so I'm sure we'll get some team up stories, and let's not forget Brian Michael Bendis said a Spider-Men 2 is in the works.
  • Ms. Marvel. As a Ultimate Marvel reader, I don't really read the main Marvel line (there's a few stuff I check out) but all I ever hear when people mention 616 is how great Kamala Khan is, and how she's this centuries Peter Parker. To me that's a huge statement as Spider-Man is practically Marvel's cover boy. So I definitely want to see what she's all about.
  • Daredevil. After that amazing show on Netflix, who wouldn't be excited for Daredevil, plus a new costume? Count me in!
  • Karnak. I don't read Inhumans but that guy with the hoodie just looks cool. I've been waiting for some Inhuman to stand out to make me interested to read about Inhumans. Think of it like Wolverine, he's a pretty cool mutant and he probably made you think I want to check out more X-Men stuff.
  • At least 60 brand new #1's.
Now here's what I'm not liking about the ANAD Marvel so far. Falcon still as Captain America, Jane Foster as Thor, some new Hulk, possibly a different person under Iron Man's armor. I don't care about any of that. I want to read about Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Odinson, Bruce Banner all as the alter ego's they've been for years. Hopefully they'll return them back sooner rather than later.

Nonetheless, this October I'm ready to see what this new status quo is all about.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Confirmed

Although Uncharted 4 is postponed until Spring of 2016, we can look forward to another Uncharted game for this year to be released! That's right, Playstation and Naughty Dog have confirmed Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will come out this year on the Playstation 4 on October 9th. The collection will include Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves, and Drake's Deception.

Unfortunately Uncharted's multiplayer will not be included in this collection. However for those who preorder the game will gain access to the Uncharted 4 Beta. For those of you who've never played Uncharted before on Playstation 3, buckle in your seat belts for one heck of a ride as this is one of the best trilogies you can play on PS3.

Thoughts on Groot #1

Everyone's favorite Tree from the Galaxy gets his own series today! That's right Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy get's his very own solo today, and here's what I thought.

The story is simple Groot and Rocket are trying to hitch rides so Groot can go to Earth. Along the way Rocket questions why would Groot ever want to go to a dump like Earth? All while on a bus ride getting attacked by space sharks, in a ship with some shape shifting Skrull and even stealing baby Ka El's (sort of) ship.

That's not suppose to happen right?

Eventually we learn Groot would like to see his girlfriend on Earth. Not long after, Groot and Rocket are attacked due to a high bounty on Groot's head. Leaving Groot to save Rocket.

Overall I enjoyed this issue, lot's of fun and funny moments that you'd expect from this duo. My only gripe was it felt like another issue of Rocket Raccoon, and Groot was co-starring here. I think with how #1 ended, #2 will probably have Groot more front and center.