Friday, June 12, 2015

Series I want and expect to see in All New All Different Marvel

There is still a long way to go until Secret Wars wraps up, and who knows when Marvel will announce another one of their 55 to 60 titles that are coming in the All New All Different Marvel. I've talked about what I thought so far about ANAD and how excited I was for Invincible Iron Man coming out. Out of those 55 to 60 titles here's what I'd like really like see:

1. Black Panther solo
2. Daredevil solo
3. Iron Fist solo
4. The Defenders
5. Peter and Miles team up (something like a Batman and Robin book but Miles wouldn't be a "sidekick" and treated as an equal).
6. Spider-Man solo (starring Peter)
7. Spider-Man solo (starring Miles)
8. The Ultimates
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (Hopefully sticking close to the movie cast)
10. Doctor Strange Solo

Now just for fun I want to take some guesses on what we'll most likely see as I add on to my list:

11. All New All Different Avengers (confirmed)
12. Invincible Iron Man (confirmed)
13. Drax (confirmed to be coming out this year)
14. Uncanny Inhumans (confirmed)
15. Lady Deadpool and the Howling Commandos (confirmed)
16. Ms. Marvel
17. Thor
18. Hulk
19. Captain Marvel
20. Squadron Supreme
21. Thunderbolts
22. Captain America
23. Nova
24. Ant-Man
25. Spider Gwen
26. Spider Woman
27. S.H.I.E.L.D
28. Punisher
29. Wolverine (starring X-23)
30. X-Men
31. Hawkeye
32. Black Widow
33. Something with Red Wolf
34. Nova
35. Ghost Rider

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