Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bethesda E3 Results and Thoughts June 14th 2015

Ladies and gentleman, this was it, today the hype began! Bethesda officially kicked off E3. It was a exciting one hour event, and here's a recap of what was on the show:

-Doom single and multiplayer gameplay
-Battlecry gameplay and beta
-Dishonored 2 trailer, and Dishonor Xbox One/PS4 remake
-Elder Scrolls Online
-Elder Scrolls Legends card game
-And Fallout 4 gameplay to close the show.

That was a lot, but my favorite part of the show was the Disnhonored 2 trailer confirming you can play as new female lead protagonist Emily Kaldwin or returning protagonist Corvo. Both will be played differently.

I was definitely interested in what I was watching with the Doom presentation. I remember playing Doom on my xbox but I was too scared to progress past the first 10 minutes. Watching everything from their singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay definitely reminded me of Halo (and I don't mean that in a bad way) heck even the Snapmap mode reminded me of forge, so there could definitely be a lot of fun there.

The weakest part of the show for me was Battlecry. There was nothing to it that made me feel like I should go out and play this beta. Also while not a low point in the show for me I'm a little interested in in the Elder Scrolls card game. Reminded me a little of Magic the Gathering, and since it's free I don't mind to try at all.

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